Poet Icons

TuPac (Amaru Shakur)
(June 16, 1971 – September 13, 1996),

TuPac was one of the worlds greatest Hip Hop Rappers of all time. With his distinctive sound and original style, TuPac was destined for great things.  As his legacy still lives on, he continues to be an substantial inspiration to many all over the world. 

Through his influential rap lyrics, and high energy temperament,  Tu Pac was more than just a "Hip Hop" music artist.  He had another passion that equally rivaled his hip hop life.
A boundary  which he broke. A thrist to share more lyrical realism  with each and every one of us.


Poetry played a major role in Tu Pacs life, as he saw poetry as an escapism from the issues that surrounded him and his life. With a mother as a drug addict, Tu Pac oppressed eemotional discomfort, and saw poetry as the key to a voice of expression.

Today Tu Pac is recognised not just a hip hop artist, but a Poet. As his words jump from the page, into our souls, he reaches out to us, in ways more than one can say.  His Poetry such as: I Cry, The Rose That Grew From The Concret, Fallen Star, Can You See The Pride In The Panther.....helps us to understand the true character and life of TuPac (Amaru Shakur), I’m sure in future years to come his poetry will still live on and continue to make a change.

TuPac You have Made a Change!!

Question:  When will the world be at peace on earth?

                            Answer: When the world falls to pieces. 

                                                               (Qoute: Tu Pac)

To be blessed, to be Soulstress