Monday, June 27, 2011

MJ (Michael Jackson) King of Music

(August 29, 1958 - June, 25 2009)
For many of you whom my not have remembered, Michael Jackson died two years ago June 25, 2009. He was an amazing contributor to music, life and change. He inspired many, invented new moves, touched many hearts and brought to life a vibrant style which no one could ever match.

Often imitated by many, Michael Jackson you will never be duplicated, as there is only ONE king of POP (music)


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So I Run

I love this def jam spoken word performer. He takes you on a journey through history with his poetry and delivers with great passion and strength. 

"Sick and Tired"

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Strength Of A Woman

I'm a woman, and lord knows that’s hard. Just try walking in ours shoes of daily arrogances, to improper advances, hisses and seedy glances. 

Tame as I may seem it’s the inner strength that’s stored within  me, I, seek acknowledgment for my intellect, my soul, my domain my charisma and not my frame.  
See I walk with my head held high, my pride on my sleeve and dignity by my side. Your stereotypical views, they try to imprison me, but, I still break through. Like the suns rays I’m energised to voice my views create my mark, and enhance my spirituality of the one man I know who’ll never let me down. 
You see, I’m a women on a mission, 
and I know my self worth, 
and I refuse to feed your sexual thirst for one night of passion and false hopes of inefficient love. 
See, it may be a mans world in your eyes, but remember it wouldn’t be nothing, without a woman or a girl!

By Poetic Soul(stress) aka Caroline Gbolade 

Stay Blessed, Stay Soulstress